
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Canada, Churchill Eskimo Museum



SAMCA 111With a few hours to spare before my flight back to Winnipeg, I wander over to the Eskimo Museum about 15 minutes before closing time.





Opened in May 1944, this museum was established through the generosity and hard work of the Catholic community here. Admission is free although contributions are welcomed.

Inside the museum I get a quick introduction to the Eskimo way of life and some of their history here in Northern Canada. On display are animals and different artifacts that enhance my knowledge of this area of the planet.






One piece of artwork I find interesting is a polar bearing holding a large rock. Somewhere in Eskimo history or legend there is a story about a polar bear picking up a stone to kill a seal.

In one corner of the museum I am drawn to what I think is a tropical connection. From a distance what seems to be a part of a coconut tree branch turns out to be baleen.

Baleen is a filter feeder system inside the mouths of baleen whales that is used by Eskimos to make huts and other items. It is strong and has the consistency and color of a dried palm branch.


SAMCA 108I can see that a trip to the Eskimo Museum is definitely worthwhile. I just wish I had more time to be here.

At the museum, you can also buy souvenirs of area, at decent prices with the proceeds going to a good cause.





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