
Friday, October 12, 2012

Canada, My Churchill Best Friends


At home I have a unique and if not strange relationship with a one Mr. Anderson. You see it is pretty much a one way relationship as I only see or hear from Mr. Anderson when he wants or needs something. Otherwise, he is nowhere to be found and I can almost certainly forget about him meeting my needs.



SAMCA 036It is amazing that in Churchill I meet and discover a new set of best friends.

Although they are tied down at the moment, they are more than willing to share some playful time with me which most of us both enjoy.



For one of them it is a caution and curious encounter. However, I have no doubt that unlike my relationship with Mr. Anderson, the more time we spend together the more mutual fun our relationship would become.

Even from just a short visit, it is no wonder guys like these are man's best friend and Mr. Anderson is not.



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